Blue Raven Club


How to Market your Book Effectively

So, you’ve finished your book, your baby is out there, after all this time of effort, sweat, and tears, your book has finally gotten published, either the traditional or the indie way. But… you are not getting enough sales. The question is: how do I get people to read my book? How do I market my book effectively?

Get Ready for NaNoWriMo + FREEBIE

NaNoWriMo is a unique experience you won’t regret! You can take for granted that you will enjoy a lot of your writing sessions and you will switch your brain to “writing-mode”.It’s of course a tough challenge that will test your procrastinating nature. Nonetheless, if you start early, and you follow our tips, you’ll be one step closer to make it to the end.

Make Money Writing Essays

If you are reading this post, it means you’d like to turn your passion for writing into a significant source of income. The good news is that it is completely possible. Making money writing is a real opportunity and there are thousands of people doing it nowadays.